Ultima Linen is, first and foremost, a family enterprise.

At the heart of our business, is people. We realize that we would not be where we are if not for our members and our employees who are all keen to see Ultima Linen grow.

As we look towards the future, we realize that the seeds we plant now will bloom into our legacy. In order to achieve this, innovation and sustainability are utmost in our priorities.

We are always looking at improving our reliance on more responsible materials for our textiles and product packaging.

For instance, we began with our TENCEL™ Lyocell sheets, which as we know are produced through wood pulp dissolved through a closed loop process that is environmentally sound.

Next, we’ve slowly but surely expanded our Green Living collection, which consists of more naturally derived materials like bamboo cotton mix, bamboo linen mix, and pure organic cotton, all of which are soft to the touch and possess natural antimicrobial properties.

Thirdly, our transition to more environment- friendly packaging is a pursuit that we are quite intent on following through.

To illustrate, our Green Living and Suite Collection TENCEL™ packaging is composed of thick paper outer layer and a corrugated cardboard bottom. Cardboard packaging is recyclable- it may be reused 6-7 times before the fibers become too weak- and biodegradable. While we still use PVC packaging in some of our lines, it is important to note that plastic should be reused and found an alternative use for.

It cannot be stressed enough that we are all partners in reducing our overall environmental footprint. We all have a part to play if we want the world to still meet the needs of our children and grandchildren. If we want to last, we need to be conscious of products that stand the test of time, that can be reused in other ways, and that ultimately people place value in. Ultima Linen’s pledge is to be that product, to be that family.